Silver Will Package

Single Will – £149 £124.99

Mirror Will – £249 £199.99

For a limited time only.

  • Easy Online Form

  • 1 Executor
  • 1 Guardian
  • Unlimited Beneficiaries

  • Unlimited Funeral Wishes
  • Unlimited Exclusions
  • Unlimited Draft Amendments
  • Emailed Copy

 Gold Will Package

Single Will – £299 £249.99

Mirror Will – £449 £399.99

For a limited time only.

  • Convenient Telephone Appointment

  • Up to 4 Executors and Reserves

  • Up to 4 Guardians and Reserves

  • Unlimited Beneficiaries, with reserves

  • Unlimited Funeral Wishes
  • Unlimited Exclusions
  • Unlimited Draft Amendments
  • Unlimited Specific Gifts or Gifts of Money

  • Expression of Wishes Document

  • Bound & Posted

  • Option to add business and property trusts for just £99!

Amendments to Wills


  • Name change
  • Address change
  • Role replacement/removal
  • Funeral wishes
  • Organ donation

Storage – free
Non-storage – £35

Executor, Guardian, Beneficiary addition

  • Adding Executors/Beneficiaries to act jointly
  • Adding beneficiaries to the immediate share of the estate


Executor, Guardian, Beneficiary reserve

  • Adding reserve Executors/Beneficiaries as reserves
  • Adding reserve beneficiaries


Specific & Monetary gift addition / change

  • Changing specific gifts (add/remove) and gifts of money


Foreign Assets attestation clause

  • Adaption of attestation clause to prevent revoking English Will against foreign Will.


Property / Business Trust

  • Adding a protective property trust or business trust with instructions


Health & Welfare LPA

  • Drafting & guidance of LPA – Client will need to register document

£82 registration fee through OPG + £100

Property & Financial LPA

  • Drafting & guidance of LPA – Client will need to register document

£82 registration fee through OPG + £100

Letter of Wishes

  • Additional document to state final wishes, letters to loved ones, sensitive information.
